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Clear Sailing Wealth Group


Latest Insights

Italian skyline

Draghi: Europe, time to press ahead

Sep 26, 2024 | Frédérique Carrier

Mario Draghi recently submitted a comprehensive report addressing the EU’s loss of competitiveness. We examine the feasibility of his ambitious plan and the potential implications for portfolio positioning.

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Advisors meeting with clients

Family offices shift outlook from caution to optimism

Sep 25, 2024 | RBC Wealth Management

For family offices, a strong 2024 financial performance and optimistic outlook signal a return to normalcy after several years of economic upheaval.

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The Fed’s big bang rate cut

Sep 19, 2024 | Thomas Garretson, CFA

After biding its time, the Fed kicked off its monetary easing cycle with a strong start out of the rate cut gates. While investors may harbor concerns the Fed is getting ahead of itself, we highlight why we’re encouraged by the Fed’s proactive move.

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