I take the time to learn about you.

Value Statement

As a Financial Advisor at RBC Wealth Management, I provide clients with three basic services:

  • I help increase income, build wealth, and lower taxes.
  • I pride myself on building close personal relationships with my clients. By knowing each client’s individual situation, I am better able to help them meet their financial goals.
  • I enjoy educating my clients and their families about the benefits of long term investing. As educated investors, my clients learn to ignore short-term market volatility, and focus on the benefits long-term investing.


Approach to Wealth Management

Through close and consistent communication, I tailor an investment strategy that fits each client’s current and long term investment goals. My process includes:

  • Understanding Your Financial Objectives — I listen to you in order to gain an understanding of your long term financial goals.
  • Gather Your Current Financial Information — Together, we gather specific information on your financial picture.
  • Recommend Suitable Investment Options — Based on your financial goals, your past investment experiences and the current economic and market situation, I will build a portfolio that you are comfortable and confident in owning. I will always explain why each component of your portfolio is timely, and why I believe it is suitable for you.
  • Providing Timely, Ongoing Service And Advice — As your portfolio and personal situation evolves, I will give you consistent updates on performance and new suitable investment opportunities that will help you meet your financial objectives.


Global Insight 2024 Midyear Outlook

Global Insight Outlook Cover Image - July 2024U.S. debt dilemma: No quick fixes and no catastrophes

The federal government’s debt has doubled since 2015 – and shows no signs of turning around.  Read the Midyear Outlook »

Taking the next step

Whether you're a current client who would like to review your portfolio, or a potential client that would like to learn more about my approach, I would love to hear from you. To set up a consultation click Contact. 

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Credit where credit is due?

Sep 05, 2024 | Atul Bhatia, CFA

Despite signs of a slowing economy, corporate bond issuance kicked off the month at a record pace. We look at how the market has absorbed the new debt and what factors are likely to drive bond performance ahead.

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