Having money means knowing how to think about money. If you don’t manage your money, it could manage you.  Understand how it all works together.



Retirement can be complicated and involve many moving parts


Organizing your financial future

Here are some of the components to consider.



Build a framework to include at least the following:


1. Define ‘purpose’ and how to pay for it (Travel, family, hobbies, etc.)
2. Estimate cash flow needs
3. Estimate Retirement benefits. CSRS, FERS, FERS Supplement
4. Retirement assets. IRA, insurance, Roth and more.
5. Social security benefits
6. Liabilities
7. Insurance
8. Real estate
9. Estate planning documents


With change comes questions

See the impact of your money decisions before you make them, with RBC WealthPlan.

Learn more about RBC WealthPlan

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