Working with a CDFA® professional

When going through a divorce, you’re going through significant life change. And, the change may affect your individual wealth.

As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional, I have the skills to help you negotiate the financial issues of divorce. I can work with your attorney to analyze data and plan for the following wealth planning items that may occur in your divorce settlement:

  • Division of property
  • Review of pension and/or retirement plans

Including me early in the process may help provide you with a clearer picture of your financial future.

Plus, as the settlement is finalized, I can help you develop your own personal wealth plan with the following goals:

  • Set new retirement objectives
  • Determine new financial goals
  • Create a new lifestyle budget based on an updated risk assessment

My goal is to help you through this difficult journey by providing you with the knowledge you need to make educated financial decisions designed to help protect you both now and in your future.

Candice Storm, CDFA®, CFP®

Senior Financial Associate
