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Investment philosophy

I recommend a strategic buy-and-hold asset allocation strategy that is a broadly diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, cash and alternative investments. In addition, I will stay up to date with market and economic events to identify short-term investment opportunities. I will add tactical managers or funds as appropriate to help take advantage of the upside, yet still help provide some protection on the downside.

Global Insight 2024 Midyear Outlook

Global Insight Outlook Cover Image - July 2024U.S. debt dilemma: No quick fixes and no catastrophes

The federal government’s debt has doubled since 2015 – and shows no signs of turning around.  Read the Midyear Outlook »

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Whether you're a current client who would like to review your portfolio, or a potential client that would like to learn more about my approach, I would love to hear from you.  To set up a consultation, please contact me.

Latest Insights

Relay runners passing baton

Inside the S&P 500: Time to pass the baton?

While mega-cap tech stocks have dominated U.S. equity performance so far this year, recently the rest of the market has been trying to take the baton. We discuss the main factors needed to make a clean handoff.

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