Information... Education... Alternatives...

... Not Sales  

Why should you contact me?

I am your "link" to all of the following that can help you:

  • Information - if that's all you need
  • Education - if that's all you want
  • Alternatives - what should be compared
  • People - who are specialists that can help us
  • Products - if that's what you end up wanting

So the real question is: What HELP do you need?

  • Borrow money? 
  • Make money?
  • Insurance?
    • Life or long-term care? 
  • Investments?

After 40+ years in the financial markets, I use my knowledge of the financial markets and all of the resources available to assist clients with making prudent decisions for long-term financial success.  I strive to help my clients grow, manage and protect their assets and I am committed to trying to make a powerful Positive difference in my clients' lives, by helping them make their personal, family and business dreams a reality.

The trust and confidence of my clients is my most treasured asset and I look forward to earning yours. There are alternatives many of which might help you so let's explore them together.

Contact me and tell me how I can help. Unlike an accountant or attorney, the time you spend with me is free. 

Global Insight 2024 Midyear Outlook

Global Insight Outlook Cover Image - July 2024U.S. debt dilemma: No quick fixes and no catastrophes

The federal government’s debt has doubled since 2015 – and shows no signs of turning around.  Read the Midyear Outlook »

Take the next step

Whether you're a current client who would like to review your portfolio, or a potential client that would like to learn more about my approach, I would love to hear from you.  To set up a consultation, contact me.

Latest Insights

Employment interview

What dueling data and the Fed’s dual mandate mean for interest rate cuts

Relative comfort on inflation should allow the Fed to shift its focus to the goal of full employment. But with labor market data pointing in different directions, we sift through the mixed messages and the impact on the Fed’s rate cut plans.

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