An empowered approach

My goals-based wealth planning approach is designed to ultimately help you achieve your vision and live empowered. Working together, we identify strategies to help grow your wealth, fund your lifestyle today and tomorrow, protect what's important to you and create your legacy.

My approach features four financial pillars to help guide you through your life stages:

Accumulate wealthAccumulate and grow your wealth

Working toward tomorrow, define your goals, plan, save and invest. Review your finances regularly. Build and maintain an emergency fund of at least six months of expenses.

As you approach retirement, take advantage of catch-up contributions and align investments to offset inflation.

In your encore years, review and understand the probable outcome of your wealth plan and consider consolidating accounts to simplify your financial life.

Fund your lifestyleFund your lifestyle

In the early stages, avoid or eliminate unproductive debt. Fund but defer health savings account spending until retirement.

Approaching retirement, create a retirement plan for your paycheck as well as a budget for your expenses.

In your later years, plan for your distributions and manage your spending to cover your needs.

Protect what's importantProtect what's important to you

At first, evaluate and consider your options for various types of insurance, ranging from health, disability, life and long-term care insurance.

Closer to retirement, re-evaluate your insurance needs and use credit strategically.

Enroll in Medicare at 65 and claim Social Security at 70. Avoid selling assets in down markets. Discuss your care wishes with your loved ones.

Create your legacyCreate your legacy

Establish a will, power of attorney, health care directive and revocable trust. Check your beneficiary designations. Consider a charitable giving plan that aligns with your values.

Near retirement, revisit your estate planning documents and beneficiary designations. Have plans for housing and care needs.

After retiring, check that your estate plan aligns with your wishes. Understand your estate and gift tax thresholds.

It all starts and ends with you

Contact me today to learn more about my wealth management approach and how I can help you achieve your goals.

Client Strategies Team

The Client Strategies Team is a resource to help support you in your wealth planning goals, developing a strong understanding of your personal financial objectives, gathering valuable information and addressing complex financial and wealth strategies issues. Explore the bios below to learn more about the team.


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