At RBC Wealth Management, we use sophisticated tools and professional resources to develop a personal, integrated analysis that can help you reach your financial goals.
After talking with you and understanding your current situation, assets, financial goals and objectives, we will work with a full range of professionals to match those needs with customized solutions. Your action plan includes an in-depth analysis of your current financial situation along with strategies to reach your objectives. We explain the proposed solutions and work with you toward achieving your objectives.
With tax season upon us, you may be wondering when to expect your documents. Take a look at the chart below for an estimated mailing date and feel free to call us with any questions or to discuss what tax strategies we can implement to lower your taxable income in 2025.
With tax season approaching, now is a good time to review your Traditional or Roth IRA contributions before you file your taxes. You can make your 2024 contributions until April 15, 2025, and you may lower your tax bill. If you are under 50, you can maximize your IRA contributions up to $7,000. If you are 50 and older, you can contribute up to $8,000.
By maxing out your IRA contributions before the April tax deadline, you can give your money more time to deliver tax-deferred, compounded growth. Over time, that can potentially add up. Contact us to discuss the possibility of maximizing your 2024 traditional and Roth IRA contributions before April 15, 2025.
Managing your day-to-day cash is a critical component of your wealth management plan. To help make sure your cash is working for you, RBC Wealth Management offers a cash sweep program that provides competitive interest rates. Visit RBC Insured Deposits to view our program Terms and Conditions and our current rates.
When is the last time you have had your life insurance policy reviewed? There have been significant shifts in the insurance industry to accommodate important changes like the increasing life expectancy of our population, the reduced use of tobacco products, and significant advancements in medicine. RBC Wealth Management has resources that provide a no cost, no obligation review of life insurance policies. Together with the firm’s internal professionals, we will review your policy to help confirm it is still adequate for your needs and overall financial goals. Contact us if you are interested in a complimentary insurance policy review.
Social Security can be an important part of your retirement income stream. The decision about when to begin taking the benefits you have earned may have important consequences. Start them early and your monthly income will be lower than if you wait until your full retirement age. Delay them and your monthly “paycheck” will be larger. Please contact us for help determining when it may be appropriate for you to start taking social security benefits and to explore strategies for maximizing benefits for married couples.
Thank you for trusting us as your wealth management professionals. Our commitment to you goes beyond sharing our knowledge and expertise. If you are not currently a client, feel free to contact us and set up a meeting.
Learn more about Wes Johnson & Marcia Irvin Wealth Solutions Team.
May 10, 2022
Social Security: At a glance
June 15, 2023
Trend & cycle roadmap
June 1, 2023
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