Service promise

As our client, your interests are our top priority. So we pledge to always:

  • Offer personalized recommendations to help you achieve financial peace of mind.
  • Design portfolios to provide growth, protect capital or generate income, based on your unique needs.
  • Use asset allocation and diversification to moderate market volatility’s impact on you.
  • Manage your portfolio to minimize impact of taxes and to consider your liquidity needs.
  • Disclose fully our fees, which will be reasonable.

About your client experience

As this diagram shows, you are at the center of everything we do.

Take the next step

We would love the opportunity to discuss your wealth management goals and how we can be of service to you. Even if you already have an advisor, it never hurts to get a second opinion. Call us today at (612) 371-7785 to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation portfolio review. It’s a risk-free way to get a “sneak peak” at what your client experience will be like when you invest with us.
Contact us

Client Strategies Team

The Client Strategies Team is a resource to help support you in your wealth planning goals, developing a strong understanding of your personal financial objectives, gathering valuable information and addressing complex financial and wealth strategies issues. Explore the bios below to learn more about the team.


Director of Wealth Strategies


Echelon Wealth Strategist