During a recent video shoot for our team website, Financial Advisor Joel Spry prepares to demonstrate the "Action Mentality" with his golf swing. Preparation and research are only beneficial if you use that knowledge and TAKE ACTION. Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path, we'll light the way. www.aurorawsg.com
At a recent video shoot for www.aurorawsg.com, Financial Advisor Jeremy Wytaske explains tax consequences while team members help to get the lighting right. Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path. We'll light the way.
At Aurora Wealth Solutions Group, we all love our furry-friends Here is Financial Advisor Joel Spry with Lenny the poodle and Maynard the dachshund at a recent team outing. Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path, we'll light the way. www.aurorawsg.com
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During a recent video shoot for our team website, Financial Advisor Joel Spry prepares to demonstrate the "Action Mentality" with his golf swing. Preparation and research are only beneficial if you use that knowledge and TAKE ACTION. Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path, we'll light the way. www.aurorawsg.com
At a recent video shoot for www.aurorawsg.com, Financial Advisor Jeremy Wytaske explains tax consequences while team members help to get the lighting right. Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path. We'll light the way.
At Aurora Wealth Solutions Group, we all love our furry-friends Here is Financial Advisor Joel Spry with Lenny the poodle and Maynard the dachshund at a recent team outing. Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path, we'll light the way. www.aurorawsg.com