
Aurora Wealth Solutions Group


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Pay attention to triggers for Europe

Due to structural headwinds, we downgraded European equities to Underweight in December. Yet a number of catalysts could occur in Q1 that could be well received by equity markets. We peruse the opportunities that may emerge in European equities.

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Woman computer finances

Financial health and wellness - a reality checkup for the new year

Want better financial health in the year ahead? Focus on these four things.

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The cycle of market emotions

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Catch up on contributions now. If you’re 60-63 years old, you may have the option to utilize a greater catch-up contribution limit. Reach out to me to learn more! Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path, we'll light the way.

Did you know that HSA assets are more than just a way to pay for medical expenses? HSAs can also serve as valuable investment vehicles to grow contributed funds until they are needed. Reach out to us to learn more! Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path, we'll light the way.

If you're 73+ and have already taken your RMDs for 2024, it’s never too early to start thinking about your options for next year. Aurora Wealth Solutions Group. It's your path, we'll light the way.