Philosophy & process

Blonkvist-Teller Legacy Wealth’s philosophy is the belief that disciplined, model-driven investments generate enhanced risk-adjusted returns. When an investment strategy is expressed in model form, it can be researched and verified. This can provide a rich data set for return and risk management analysis.

We believe:

  1. Asset Classes (stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, commodities, etc.) have historical expected rates of return
  2. Asset allocation is a critical component to the return of a client's portfolio
  3. Diversification adds to risk adjusted individual portfolio returns
  4. Professional managers focused on specific asset classes generate alpha over time
  5. Manager investment styles among asset classes and sectors generate another degree of diversification and alpha over time
  6. Low fees and manager participation in the strategy are key components to success over time
  7. Our team adds value over time through the disciplined application of a rebalancing program


  1. Determine appropriate allocation to asset classes, market sectors, and investment styles
  2. Identify and invest with managers, who we believe are, in the world's top tier according to our allocation model
  3. Identify specific benchmarks to measure performance of asset classes, sectors, and managers
  4. Review managers against specific benchmarks and peers
  5. Review the portfolio of managers to help find the most suitable team possible
  6. Rebalance Techniques:
  • 5% rule
  • Asset class, sector overbought, oversold rule
  • Constant evaluation of allocation percentages and asset class returns

   7. Being accountable to each other, the team approach reinforces disciplined and consistent application of investment process


Our philosophy for investing


2. Identify how much capital do you currently have and how much will you have to contribute on an ongoing basis.

3. Determine what the needed rate of return is to meet the objective in the set time frame.

4. Create an asset allocation mix with the goal of providing that return with the least amount of risk.

5. Ask yourself whether you can accept the risk level that has been developed. If yes—go forward. If no—add more funds or reduce goal.

6. Establish a reallocation policy and keep it disciplined. Discipline of reallocation 5% +/- captures 80% of moves both up and down.

7. Review management and pick indexes and a mean to compare managers.

8. A set discipline on our policy statement does not allow us to switch with the wind.

Core beliefs in managing your investments

Each client has distinct circumstances, needs, investing preferences and tolerance for risks
We want to develop a deep understanding of your needs and aim to strike the right balance between preserving capital, generating income and pursuing growth.

Diversification among managers and approaches is essential in constructing a sound overall individual portfolio
We create an appropriate structure for your portfolio, selecting from both traditional and emerging market investment areas, as the foundation for long-term success of the investment strategy.

Capital markets and money management are inherently uncertain and ever-evolving
We undertake disciplined analysis of global markets and investment options.

Economies, markets and opportunities are increasingly global in nature
We provide you with access to truly worldwide, world-class investments.

Clients expect not only investment expertise but also the highest standard of integrity
We fully recognize the responsibility for prudent stewardship of assets in our care. Reliable information, meaningful communications and valuable investing insights are essential to maintaining your trust.


What we will do

We will help you set a goal and pick the rate of return needed to achieve that goal. We will set the client up with a modeled portfolio using asset class allocation coupled with a reallocation discipline, keeping the model in balance. Our balanced, disciplined approach has proven itself over time and is a calculated approach to investing.