Dedicated To Our Community Being responsible stewards of our clients' assets, our communities, and the environment is a core tenet at RBC Wealth Management. We strongly support this belief and are committed to giving back to the Boise/SunValley community through volunteering, sponsorships, and financial support
Blue Water Day 2017 On May 23, 2017 the Eagle/Sun Valley branches participated in planting and watering sagebrush seedlings in the Hillside to Hollow Reserve with our partners, The Land Trust of the Treasure Valley. Proper trail maintenance tends to reduce erosion into waterways which can negatively effect water quality for wildlife. Well maintained trails also keep people on the trail and from trampling plant life. Plants keep soil intact, and together, plants and soil act as a filter to keep water fresh and clean.
Perkin's Wildlife Refuge - Blue Water Day 2016
Volunteers had the opportunity to collect seeds from Cottonwood Trees along the Boise River. The seed pods will be propagated by professors and students at the College of Western Idaho over the Summer and Fall, and will be grown into small seedlings. In the Fall and Spring, those seedlings will be planted in choice locations along the Boise River. Cottonwood Trees can successfully compete with invasive plant species such as False Indigo (which we also removed), provide food for native animasl to eat and ensure continued pristine water quality along the Boise River. The Land Trust of the Treasure Valley's goal is to grow 100-200 Cottonwood Trees per year.
Facts: The Cottonwood Tree is the fastest growing tree in North America. Cottonwood Trees produce male and female parts on separate trees. In Spring, the female trees produce tiny red blossoms that are followed by masses of seeds with a cottony cover. Male Cottonwood Trees do not produce seeds.
Upper Dry Creek Project: May 12, 2015 
Something’s fishy in Dry Creek! The shadowy figures in the pools of Dry Creek are not the mafia. These hardy survivors are native Columbia River redband trout—a rainbow trout species adapted to life in small high desert streams throughout the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately, as hardy as these fish are, their home waters are challenged by trails that cross the creek over 25 times, as well as storm water runoff and sediment from Bogus Basin Road, negatively affecting the ability of the trout to spawn. The Land Trust of the Treasure Valley and Boise City have entered into a unique partnership with the private landowner to provide a well-managed trail system that will protect the habitat of the native redband trout, and we are very proud to have participated in this important effort that will both improve the enjoyment of the public’s use of the area, and protect the integrity of the stream.
About BUGS: May 16, 2015 
Over the past ten years, the Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS) has been responsible for more dirt under the fingernails of more kids than anyone else in the valley—and that’s a great thing. BUGS teaches local children about nutrition, environmental responsibility, the pleasure of fresh air and the value of hard work. In celebration of BUGS 10th anniversary, RBC volunteers under the guidance of their Garden Specialist, Naomi Davenport, helped plant the BUGS garden. We are very happy to have been able to participate and help BUGS with their mission.
Blue Water Day 2015
On Saturday May 2nd, RBC employees and spouses (or guests) took part in RBC Blue Water Day 2015 by marking the storm drains around Ketchum to remind residents and visitors that any material entering the drainage system ultimately flows into the Big Wood river affecting the environment, wildlife, and all of us. Our project was planned in conjunction with Clean Sweep Day, which is sponsored by our partner non-profit organization, The Environmental Resource Center.
Visit the RBC Blue Water Day Project to learn more.
Hemingway Chapter of Trout Unlimited We were proud to perform a streamside restoration project on Loving Creek (Silver Creek).
Silver Creek is a unique high desert spring creek with a globally distinctive aquatic ecosystem. We planted native plants of various sizes to help protect and promote stream restoration.
This will allow rainwater and snowmelt to sink slowly into the ground, helping to reduce stormwater runoff and flooding as well as to capture and filter chemicals and sediment from the water.
Idaho Food Bank Backpack Program
RBC Wealth Management and the Boise branch were proud to support the Idaho Food Bank Backpack Program with a $7,500 donation.
The funds are used to help chronically hungry children by providing food support each weekend throughout the school year, when free school meals are not available.