Why Consolidate Your Investment Accounts?

There are several reasons why it makes sense to consolidate your family’s eligible investment accounts.

  • Coordination – Overall asset allocation of a consolidated portfolio must be reflective of six things: current situation, needs, goals, objectives, feelings and family dynamics
  • Monitoring – An ongoing monitoring program for the consolidated portfolio is prudent for two reasons. First, it is important to have a rebalancing strategy to manage risk and the percentage you have in each investment category. Second, it is important to be able to reallocate investments to adapt to changes in life or the investment climate. Both of these strategies are easier to implement with a consolidated portfolio.
  • Correlation – Successful investors must have the ability to manage the inter-relationships and differences in performance between investment vehicles. When you have all your assets at one firm it is easier to track (and avoid) unwanted overlap between different investments. It is also easier to track the overall risk of the portfolio and quickly adjust it to match the current situation.
  • Cost – The more assets you have at one firm, the better the pricing you will receive on the overall assets.
  • Simplicity and Taxes – Having all your assets in one place makes life easier. One example of this is the reduction in 1099s and other tax reports that come from having assets at multiple firms.

Our Process

Understanding You and Your Financial Objectives We begin by listening to understand you and your objectives. We do this so that we can effectively help you meet your goals and customize our solutions to help you address your financial concerns.

Gathering Your Current Financial Information Together, we gather specific information on your financial picture.

Developing Smart, Time-Tested Strategies Next, we analyze your financial and personal information to match your objectives with sound strategies. At this time we establish the account relationships that best meet your needs.

Implementing Thoughtful and Creative Solutions We develop customized solutions tailored to your objectives, drawing from a wide selection of world-class products and services. We will match the appropriate services to your needs rather than selling you a product you don’t need.

Providing Timely, Ongoing Service We regularly review your situation to help ensure your financial objectives are being met. Our goal is earn your ongoing trust and confidence by helping you achieve your goals. See how we help you track your progress.

We offer a unique tool for our clients to help view their financial life in a consolidated manner. See how it works. Email Shayne Beecher to request further information regarding this wonderful tool to track not only what is consolidated with us, but also what is held away from the firm.

Email brookhillsinvestmentgroup@rbc.com or call 1-866-463-1022 for a consultation to learn how to start the consolidation process and see how eMoney may benefit you.