Welcome. Thank you for visiting my site.
My goal here is to provide useful wealth management information to all and a deeper understanding of my thinking, processes and services.
To help navigate efficiently note the topical tabs along the top to indicate where specific information can be found, including the following, with more to come:
- About: My personal background, wealth management approach and a brief look at RBC Wealth Management
- Wealth accumulation: Basics to consider and strategies to maximize accumulation
- Retirement income: Deep dive into the details of living off your wealth in retirement
- CNB: City National Bank is our banking arm offering personalized banking needs to individuals and business
- Insights: The latest thinking and ideas from RBC, CNB and yours truly.
- Connect: How to reach out to me whenever I can be of assistance
I hope you find this useful and welcome your comments, good or bad but hopefully never indifferent, at any time.