Cedar Hill Wealth Management customized client portfolios
The Cedar Hill Wealth Management Group creates customized portfolios for our clients by focusing on a high quality, total return, and balanced management style with a multi-strategy approach. We allocate assets based on market conditions and diversify based on relative strength of one market sector to another.
- Construct client portfolios utilizing the minimum risk necessary for achieving these personal goals;
- Utilize a comprehensive risk management platform in combination with top down analysis and bottom up stock picking;
- Determine market conditions before deploying wealth creation or wealth preservation strategies;
- Apply a tactical asset allocation process in assigning portfolio weightings and sector exposure; and
- Analyze demand/supply conditions and pricing momentum based on technical attributes.
Client service process
- Interview to determine client goals and expectations; gather financial information.
- Organize and process asset transfers.
- Present a customized financial strategy which can be a portfolio management/review benchmark.
- Implement our financial strategy.
- Conduct periodic individual portfolio reviews.
- Review and manage each client's portfolio; use risk management strategies.
- Provide yearly tax basis information to client's accountant as requested.
- Stay informed of major changes within the client's investment goals and objectives and take a personal and prudent approach to update and adjust existing wealth management plan.
Client profile
The clients of The Cedar Hill Wealth Management Group tend to share the following traits:
- High net worth individuals, institutions and families who value professional advice and performance-based asset management. Related accounts and referrals are welcomed. $500,000 minimum investable assets suggested for new clients.
- Retirement plans and IRA rollovers, 401(k) plans, endowments and foundations.
Making introductions
The highest compliment a satisfied client can give are those introductions to family, friends and associates.
We will treat your referrals with the same respect and integrity provided to our clients while maintaining client confidentiality. We will strive to understand their investment goals while educating them about different investments and the risks inherent to each investment so we can determine the appropriate strategic allocations for achieving long-term financial goals and success.