Value statement

Your plan is not about us, it’s about you.  Crafting customized plans, and implementing strategies that are tailored to your needs, your goals and objectives, is our primary focus.

This focus, this value added approach that is centered around you, creates an overall plan that has the highest probability of sustained implementation.  This sustained implementation, in turn, improves probability of long term success.  Couple this with review of objectives and strategies, and we work for you, and with you, in the business of your financial goals.

In our approach, we highly value you, so you can highly value us.

Working with a CFP® professional

When choosing a financial advisor to help you meet your wealth management goals, consider the benefits of working with someone that is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP ®) professional. This well-regarded certification is awarded by the CFP® Board to individuals that have met rigorous educational, testing, and ethical standards.


To obtain the CFP ® certification, individuals must complete a comprehensive course of study at an approved college or university covering a multitude of financial planning topics, including:

  • Investments
  • Estate Planning
  • Insurance
  • Income Tax Planning
  • Wealth Transfer Strategies
  • Risk Management
  • Retirement Planning
  • Employee Benefits
  • Wealth Management Planning
Upon completion of the required coursework, individuals must pass a comprehensive, two-day, 10-hour examination that tests one’s ability to apply the knowledge they have obtained to real-life situations.  This test is considered one of the most difficult in the industry, with only a 55-60%* pass rate.


Beyond education, CFP ® professionals must adhere to a strict code of ethics, upholding principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when providing service to others. These standards are monitored closely by the CFP ® Board and violation of these principles can result in the revocation of the designation.

Why It Should Matter to You

There are a variety of attributes that you can expect from an advisor with the CFP ® certification, including:

  • being well-versed in developing integrated wealth management plans;
  • a robust theoretical and practical knowledge of investment products and services;
  • an unwavering commitment to the highest ethics; and
  • a steadfast commitment to putting your interests first.

I encourage you to experience the benefits of working with a CFP® professional for yourself. Contact me today to learn more or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Taking the Next Step

Whether you're a current client who would like to review your portfolio, or a potential client that would like to learn more about our approach, we would love to hear from you. Contact Christie Treat at 860-657-1778 today to set up a meeting.

Strength you can trust

Distinguished by a long heritage of financial integrity and unwavering dedication to our clients, RBC has consistently earned high credit ratings.1

  • Moody's Aa1 and A1 / stable4
  • Standard & Poor's AA- and A / stable4
  • Fitch Ratings AA2 and AA-3 / stable4

Additionally, RBC has a reputation of strength and stability with a high-quality balance sheet, proactive risk management and a strong liquidity position.

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