Your source for valuable insights

Providing our clients with valuable information on market trends, investment topics and other interesting considerations is an important part of our practice. We invite you to explore the articles below and contact us to discuss any of these topics in more detail.

The "burden" of money

Oct 28, 2020 |Peter Alepra

Often situations arise where clients are faced with the “new” responsibility of making investment decisions such as inheritances, 401k’s, divorce settlements.

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Couple with iPad

Approaching retirement in today’s world

Sep 28, 2020 |Peter Alepra

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many older workers to reassess their careers and how they view retirement. People who are fortunate enough to be….

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Snowboarding jump off mogul

Dealing with short-term market volatility

Sep 18, 2020 |Peter Alepra

Over the last few months, we’ve become far too accustomed to it. Stocks down triple digits one day and up the same amount or more the next day….

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Biking along a dirt road

The plan is the path

Sep 08, 2020 |Peter Alepra

No one planned for this - having a financial plan with mechanisms in place will help you get through these uncertain times due to the coronavirus and ongoing market volatility.

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Grandpa reading to grandkids

The emotional transition to retirement

Aug 04, 2020 |Peter Alepra

Most people focus on preparing financially for retirement, but the emotional aspect of retirement should not be overlooked.

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Father and son working on an engine

The Reasoning Behind Common Investor Mistakes

Jul 22, 2020 |Peter Alepra

At some point, most of us have committed a costly investor mistake...understanding why we do these things may help avoid the typical investing pitfalls.

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Family gathers for dinner around a table

Daily Habits for Your Health and Finances

Jul 10, 2020 |Peter Alepra

When my clients describe their ideal retirement, the most common responses are “healthy”, “comfortable“ and “secure.” Typically most successful retirees find ways to align.

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