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Providing my clients with valuable information on market trends, investment topics and other interesting considerations is an important part of my practice. I invite you to explore the articles below and contact me to discuss any of these topics in more detail.

Container ship

Shipping risks underestimated?

Jan 25, 2024 |Frédérique Carrier

With the Suez and Panama Canals operating below capacity, global shipping costs are climbing. We explore the corporate highs and lows from the situation and those that may benefit and those that may lose out.

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Can small-cap equities go the distance?

Jan 18, 2024 |Kelly Bogdanova

After a strong rally to end 2023, U.S. small caps gave back much of their gains. We explore whether the asset class warrants patience from investors.

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Field of windmills

Incorporating transition and carbon investing into your portfolio

Jan 16, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

The sector of transition investing is rapidly growing. Businesses working to transition to net zero are preparing and adapting for future policy, legal and regulatory regimes, evolving consumer preferences, new technologies, etc.

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Students in college classroom

Studying college tuition costs

Jan 16, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

Even with college tuition inflation slowing in recent years, college education costs continue to be a big-ticket item.

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two investors looking at charts

Tax considerate planning may pay off during volatile markets

Jan 16, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

Want some tax considerate wealth planning ideas to consider during volatile markets? See the new issue of Investor’s Edge to read the article.

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Couple looking at blueprints of a house

Second homes, key considerations and risks

Jan 16, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

Many retirees are drawn to the idea of a second home, a concept that extends beyond providing a vacation spot for loved ones to gather. Before such a purchase, there’s much to contemplate.

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Multi generation family discussing healthcare

How to pay for long-term care in a health crisis

Jan 15, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

It may be essential to plan for unexpected health crises in order to protect the assets of parents and their adult children.

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Man walking in field at sunset

Global Insight 2024 Outlook highlights: Bonds are back

Jan 11, 2024 |Frédérique Carrier

Whether the U.S. economy will tip into recession and with the return of bonds as an attractive complement to stocks, investors have much to consider in 2024.

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Man with adult daughter looking at a computer

Leaving a charitable legacy with donor advised funds

Jan 08, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

Did you know a donor-advised fund gives you options and flexibility in your annual charitable giving?

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