Your source for valuable insights

Providing our clients with valuable information on market trends, investment topics, and other interesting considerations is an important part of our practice. We invite you to explore the articles and one-minute videos below. Feel free to contact us to discuss any of these topics in more detail.

Insurance - what kind is best for you?

March 5, 2024 - Rebecca F. Vilk

Nora Yousif, Financial Advisor at Empower House Financial Group, explains term insurance and its benefits, compared to permanent insurance.

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Cash Throwdown Challenge

April 2, 2024 - Rebecca F. Vilk

Financial Advisor, Nora Yousif CFP®, CDFA®, challenges you to do more with your cash! Interest rates are at 22-year highs and there are a number of ways to take advantage of this financial environment. Contact us to discover what's best for you.

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You just had a baby - now what?

April 23, 2024 - Rebecca F. Vilk

Nora Yousif CFP®, CDFA®, Financial Advisor at Empower House Financial Group, gives tips about the most important financial things to think about when you have a new baby.

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The Power of Compounding Interest

April 23, 2024 - Rebecca F. Vilk

Financial Advisor Nora Yousif CFP®, CDFA® explains how compounding interest works to build wealth over time and help you reach your financial goals.

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Investing During Elections

May 23, 2024 - Rebecca F. Vilk

Financial Advisor Nora Yousif CFP®, CDFA®, of Empower House Financial Group, provides some statistics - and some good news - about election years and the impact they can have on investing and the overall market.

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