Our formula

Our wealth management formula (WM = IC + AP + RM)

Wealth management is a combination of investment consulting, advanced planning, and relationship management.

Investment consulting (IC)

  • Performance analysis
  • Risk evaluation
  • Asset allocation
  • Investment policy statement

Advanced Planning (AP = WE + WT + WP + CG)

  • Wealth Enhancement – tax mitigation and cash flow planning (WE)
  • Wealth Transfer (WT)
  • Wealth Protection – risk mitigation (WP)
  • Charitable Giving (CG)

Relationship Management (RM = CRM + PNRM)

  • Client Relationship Management – our relationship with you (CRM)
  • Professional Network Relationship Management – how we work with your professional network – attorney, tax professional, etc. (PNRM)

Let's start the conversation

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