Curtiss works with high net worth individuals and families, offering a boutique financial services experience. Focused on planning, he works with clients to prepare for retirement, education expenses, estate planning and wealth transfer, while managing risks and tax efficiency. Curtiss manages accounts through RBC Wealth Management’s Portfolio Focus program, which is a personalized portfolio management program. Through the Portfolio Focus program, he can make investment decisions on a client's behalf, which allows them to simplify their lives. Some of the advantages that he can provide to clients through the Portfolio Focus program:
Only a select group of RBC Wealth Management’s financial advisors are eligible to serve as portfolio managers in the Portfolio Focus program. This means Curtiss has been carefully screened and has the knowledge and experience necessary to carefully evaluate and implement the most suitable investment ideas available to clients.
Personalized portfolio management
As your portfolio manager, Curtiss will take the time to learn all about a client — their family situation, financial goals, investment preferences, time horizon, and tolerance for risk. Based on this deep understanding of the client's needs, Curtiss will create and maintain a portfolio that’s tailored to their needs.
Customized service
Acting with integrity and providing superior client service, Curtiss will allocate a client's portfolio to meet their specific needs and goals, positioning the client to take advantage of opportunities the market presents.
After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America in 1989, he had a very successful career as a professional chef and restaurateur. Drawing upon these real life experiences, he began his financial services career at Merrill Lynch in 2007. Curtiss is passionate about our clients' success, and continues to emphasize on-going education and research.