What is important to you?

Professional wealth management helps you answer this question, prioritize your objectives and prepare to accomplish them. Helping with the financial side of achieving those goals is central to everything we do. We often help our clients:

  • plan for retirement, including the creation of an income stream;
  • fund an education for a loved one;
  • prepare for a major purchase;
  • protect their family or income; and
  • create a legacy to be remembered by.

Please contact us today to discuss how we can help you reach your goals.

Strength you can trust

Distinguished by a long heritage of financial integrity and unwavering dedication to our clients, RBC has consistently earned high credit ratings.1

  • Moody's Aa1 and A1 / stable4
  • Standard & Poor's AA- and A / stable4
  • Fitch Ratings AA2 and AA-3 / stable4

Additionally, RBC has a reputation of strength and stability with a high-quality balance sheet, proactive risk management and a strong liquidity position.

Global Insight 2025 Outlook: Beyond the Horizon

Global Insight Monthly cover - November 2024

Following strong equity gains and significant fixed income volatility, investors should prepare for a more complex and dynamic environment in 2025. Read the Global Insight Outlook »

Let's take the next step together

We welcome you to experience the RBC Wealth Management difference yourself. Contact us today to set up a meeting.

Meet the team

Miller Grimes WMP team photo

Learn more about Miller Grimes Wealth Planning Group

Latest Insights

Woman computer finances

Financial health and wellness - a reality checkup for the new year

Want better financial health in the year ahead? Focus on these four things.

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If you want to discuss your portfolio or have financial questions, please fill out the below form.

To protect your privacy, we ask that you not send any confidential information, such as bank account numbers, credit card information or account details, through this contact us form.

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