Following the Graham and Dodd style of investing in equities and fixed income, we focus on finding mispriced, undervalued, quality investments to help create long-term wealth with a margin of safety. Putting our clients' best interests first, we work together with them to reach their personal investment goals.
The Fed has finally aggressively lowered interest rates. While a steeper yield curve reflects the market’s optimism that rate cuts will shore up the economic outlook, further steepness could be a sign the Fed will cut rates deeply, likely due to a recession. Read the Global Insight Monthly »
Learn more about the Swatta Investment Group
Myths may be important to folklore, but they’re not helpful in finance. We look at the facts behind some of the common myths surrounding the U.S. national debt.
June 1, 2023
Global insight weekly
May 10, 2022
Social Security: At a glance