Many wealthy families require innovative services that are customized to their particular needs. We help families find solutions to the complexities that can come with managing significant wealth while maintaining the family’s values and visions. Some of these customized services may include:
Intergenerational education
We encourage your family to think deeply about the fundamental questions surrounding wealth and its effect on all generations. We can help family members of all ages and experience levels learn about the issues that come with wealth.
Family governance/Family meetings
We can assist your family in the articulation of vision and values while assigning purpose and meaning to its wealth. We provide advice to identify, develop and manage the family’s human, intellectual, social and financial capital. We can facilitate family meetings to set family strategy, manage during times of transition, and resolve family conflicts.
Family business owner solutions
We help families to create a succession plan that helps meet both personal and business goals. We will work with the family to facilitate setting the vision of the business going forward while advising on estate planning decisions that are integrated with the business transition. We can also provide assistance in identifying and resolving conflicts that may arise from transitioning the business to the next generation.
Inheritance education
Sudden wealth or the sudden knowledge of wealth can be difficult to manage for some. We provide an education to the younger and inexperienced family members about the necessary skills, competencies and responsibilities that come with wealth.
Philanthropy and legacy planning
Based on your personal and family values, we participate in the establishment of a philanthropic plan that includes those causes and organizations that are most meaningful to you and your family. We can help facilitate family involvement and the choosing of giving vehicles that are most appropriate for your family’s mission. We will work with your family to establish the legacy that it sets out to create.