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Providing my clients with valuable information on market trends, investment topics and other interesting considerations is an important part of my practice. I invite you to explore the articles below and contact me to discuss any of these topics in more detail.

Italian skyline

Draghi: Europe, time to press ahead

Sep 26, 2024 |Frédérique Carrier

Mario Draghi recently submitted a comprehensive report addressing the EU’s loss of competitiveness. We examine the feasibility of his ambitious plan and the potential implications for portfolio positioning.

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Advisors meeting with clients

Family offices shift outlook from caution to optimism

Sep 25, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

For family offices, a strong 2024 financial performance and optimistic outlook signal a return to normalcy after several years of economic upheaval.

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The Fed’s big bang rate cut

Sep 19, 2024 |Thomas Garretson, CFA

After biding its time, the Fed kicked off its monetary easing cycle with a strong start out of the rate cut gates. While investors may harbor concerns the Fed is getting ahead of itself, we highlight why we’re encouraged by the Fed’s proactive move.

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Man checking shipping containers

Economic impacts of non-economic policies

Sep 17, 2024 |Atul Bhatia, CFA

The economic environment could be in for an about-face. We look at what investors should be focusing on, beyond the same old same old, in this election year.

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The White House

Harris and Trump on the issues

Sep 12, 2024 |Kelly Bogdanova

A gulf exists between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on policy issues. Following is an executive summary of the third article in our U.S. election series in which we address key policy differences that matter most to the economy and stock market.

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Young couple discussing finances with an advisor

Insurance coverage: Four life stages you need to prepare for

Sep 10, 2024 |RBC Wealth Management

Life is full of changes and your insurance coverage needs to reflect that. Do you have adequate coverage to meet your family's needs?

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Advisor and client talking

Credit where credit is due?

Sep 05, 2024 |Atul Bhatia, CFA

Despite signs of a slowing economy, corporate bond issuance kicked off the month at a record pace. We look at how the market has absorbed the new debt and what factors are likely to drive bond performance ahead.

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