The greatest gift is financial confidence

Share with your friends and family the gift of a second opinion

In order to help the people you care about achieve their financial goals, we created a complimentary second-opinion service. We’re pleased to offer your friends, family and associates the same expertise and guidance that you’ve come to expect as a valued client of the WE Wealth Management Group.

What to expect from our second-opinion service

  1. Discovery meeting with your friends, family or associates.
  2. Return for the investment plan meeting.
  3. Confirm if they are on track to fulfill their values and achieve their goals with their current financial plan.
  4. We provide suggestions on ways we can help, or recommendations for another provider if we are not a good fit for their needs.
  5. Your friends, family or associates receive a Total Client Profile and personalized analysis of their current situation.>


Receiving The WE Process

We begin all relationships with The WE Process, including when we provide a no-obligation second-opinion for your friends, family and associates. The WE Process includes the following:

  1. The discovery meeting. We get to know our clients, learning about their values and goals.
  2. The investment planning meeting. We present an investment plan and advanced plan observations.
  3. The mutual commitment meeting. Both parties confirm their commitment to the shared investment plan and advanced plan. Work begins on issues identified in the advanced plan.
  4. The 45-day follow up. We organize a 45-day meeting to organize paperwork and establish regular progress meetings.
  5. Regular progress meetings. These are held to review your financial picture in light of changing circumstances both personal and market-driven.

If any of the above spurs an investment idea or you have any questions, please contact us today to set up a consultation.