Two pricing methods

To work with our team and go through our wealth planning process, starting with The VFORMula New Client Process, we charge either

 A retainer style flat fee for financial planning An asset management fee


Having two different pricing methods allows us the flexibility to work with both young, high earning professionals who don’t yet have significant assets, as well as more established, well saved professionals that are preparing for or entering retirement. 

In our introduction call, we will roughly outline our fee and the two options shown above on how it can be paid, but due to the varying degree of complexity for each client we work with, the total cost and full detail on the services we provide can only be discussed after the first meeting in our new client process.

Following the fee discussion, if we both feel it makes sense for us to move forward, we will go through the next two steps of our VFORMula New Client Process. Once the plan and recommendation document are delivered, we will help with implementation and accountability of the ideas discussed in your plan.

Are you ready to get clear about your next steps? Contact our team to schedule your financial clarity call.