The VFORMula New Client Process

When we start a new relationship with a client, we take them through our VFORMula New Client Process.

Introduction Call 

A quick, 20 minute phone call to learn a little about you, discuss what is on your mind, and answer any preliminary questions that you have.

Meeting #1 – What’s important to you?

Our first formal conversation will focus on understanding what is most important to you, using our team’s process, The VFORMula. During this open discussion, we will also address several additional fundamental topics, including your values, goals and concerns around money. This conversation is essential for laying the groundwork to create your wealth plan and recommendations moving forward. As we conclude, we will introduce you to our wealth planning tool, RBC WealthPlan, which will help you consolidate your assets in one location, making them easier to track.

Meeting #2 – RBC WealthPlan review

In our second formal conversation, we will review the information that you added to your RBC WealthPlan to make sure no stones in your financial life are left unturned. Most of this conversation will focus on two main areas: what you have (assets and liabilities) and what you save (income and spending). Throughout this meeting, we will introduce high-level ideas and explain how they can help you optimize your financial situation moving forward. We will also review the areas of your plan you are unsure of and put a strategy in place to clarify these ideas over time.

Meeting #3 – Recommendation discussion

In our third formal conversation, we will present you with two deliverables. The first is your completed RBC WealthPlan, which will allow you to see all your financial information in one location. The other is a recommendation document, which contains a personalized financial road map for you moving forward, broken down into clear next steps to ensure that implementation is as simple as possible. We will spend most of the time in this conversation reviewing your customized recommendation document and outlining the process moving forward to make sure the tasks in that document are completed.