Portfolio management services
The Rogers Mazzarelli Group investment process
The Rogers Mazzarelli Group of RBC Wealth Management offers investment advisory and discretionary fee-based portfolio management services. We have experience, education and training in fiduciary issues. Our clients tend to be conservative, income-oriented investors seeking a targeted rate of annual returns and are concerned about risk management.
Utilizing various internal and external independent research sources, we develop a broad economic view of the world. Based on that view, we manage conservative income-oriented portfolios with a disciplined risk management approach. We anchor portfolios using laddered bonds to help provide stability and current and future projected cash flow needs. In order to help enhance income and total return, we actively allocate investments between widely diversified global asset classes seeking value opportunities utilizing mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETF’s) and closed-end funds.
The Rogers Mazzarelli Group investment methodology
Dave Rogers has been certified as an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® through the Center for Fiduciary Studies. Our investment advisory process is based on their nationally-recognized best practices and investment standards called the Global Fiduciary Standards of Excellence for fiduciaries and for those of us who service and share in fulfilling fiduciary obligations. These standards are applied across any client situation. We encourage you to review their website (www.fi360.com) to learn more about fi360 and their recommended investment standards and practices. The Rogers Mazzarelli Group adopted these standards because we believe that they are in our clients best interests and give our clients some assurance that our investment advisory process is among the best available anywhere.
My four step process involves:
• Gather/organize information
• Formalize the process which includes asset allocation modeling, setting return targets and risk parameters which results in an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
• Evaluate and select investments appropriate to the IPS
• Monitor client progress
Portfolio Focus
Tactical Asset Allocation