Think differently. Make a difference.

Strategy. Execution. Success.

Our team has more than 100 years of experience advising business leaders, professional athletes, executives, and high-net- worth individuals and families. We understand that the world is exciting, dynamic and complex, and we seek to help each client navigate through life’s challenges with a proactive and personalized approach to their unique financial situation. Our desire is to have a complete understanding of where you are now, help define your future goals, and develop a comprehensive and unbiased wealth management plan implemented across our proprietary platform. We do this to help you achieve the financial freedom you deserve and provide peace of mind for you, your family and your business.

Proud to be a Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Team

We are proud to be recognized by Forbes in 2025 as a Best-in-State Wealth Management Team.

Strength you can trust

Distinguished by a long heritage of financial integrity and unwavering dedication to our clients, RBC has consistently earned high credit ratings.1

  • Moody's Aa1 and A1 / stable4
  • Standard & Poor's AA- and A / stable4
  • Fitch Ratings AA2 and AA-3 / stable4

Additionally, RBC has a reputation of strength and stability with a high-quality balance sheet, proactive risk management and a strong liquidity position.

Prepare for the unexpected

When unforeseen or sudden events happen, whether it’s a business opportunity, a family emergency or even a natural disaster, consider an RBC Credit Access Line, through the Royal Bank of Canada, for flexible financing and immediate access to liquidity when you need it most. This short-term, securities-based line of credit allows you to use your investments as collateral and borrow money instead of selling your assets. Contact us today to learn more about RBC Credit Access Line and be prepared for the unexpected.


Prosper US cover image

Read the latest stories from the women of RBC in Prosper•US

The Fall 2024 issue of RBC Wealth Management’s Prosper·US magazine is filled with inspiring stories for and about women. Read how our firm goes to bat for female athletes, our commitment to fraud and scam prevention and how one colleague’s ski patrol journey helps her maintain joy on the slopes and in the office. Plus, find tips to handle changes that may affect tax planning, health and wellness resources, and more. 

Taking the next step

Whether you're a current client who would like to review your portfolio, or a potential client that would like to learn more about our approach, we would love to hear from you. Contact us to set up a consultation.

Meet the team

Learn more about the Dolphin Group 

Latest Insights

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What you can do to mitigate tax surprises every year

Mar 07, 2025 | RBC Wealth Management

Professional advice is essential for complex financial situations—a tax surprise can hit at any time.

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How RBC Wealth Management keeps you safe

A top priority for RBC Wealth Management is protecting the security of information we have about you. Our cybersecurity team is dedicated to maintaining security safeguards to protect you and allow you to have access to our services without interruption. Learn more.

Protect what’s important to you

Your needs for financial protection are an ever-changing story. Now is a great opportunity for us to discuss how we can strategize your wealth planning for today’s and future generations. Between life, long-term care, and disability insurance options, you have several ways to protect your legacy for your loved ones. Contact us today to review which insurance options are appropriate for you and your family.