Avery "Lee" Williams

Avery "Lee" Williams was the man who started this family practice and rooted the fundamentals that are now interwoven into the fabric of who we are. Lee embodied a wise investor, a loving family man, a tireless volunteer for his community, and a person who reminded us all to live life to the fullest. Lee's market commentary stemming from over 65 years of being an astute investor continues to be in our vernacular; his unwavering dedication to you, our clients, grounds our mission to help better your lives into the future; and his devotion to this beloved community lives on. In fact, upon his passing, Lee instructed his son, Kevin Williams, to continue his legacy of support to non-profit charitable operations. As such, Kevin started the Avery Lee Williams Family Foundation. As Lee said, "Kev, have some fun with the money helping others!" Some of the local projects we are supporting in his honor include funding the upkeep of the Historical Society's HH Richardson building, seed funding for Easton's 300th Anniversary Celebration, and granting an annual Community Service Award in his name. Lastly, he led his life in an exemplary way, reminding us all "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing!"

For a flavor of the kind of person he was and for an entertaining read, feel free to check out his self-written obituary.

Volunteering for the Lion's Club

Lee standing strong as the nation's top recruiter. 


Unveiling of the town clock

Lee at the unveiling of the town clock he donated to Easton, which has become the town's unofficial logo.

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