New client experience and onboarding

Discovery process - (Day 1)

  • Initial client meeting and introduction with the objective of determining compatibility
  • Open discussion regarding goals, values, needs, concerns and any challenges to achieving a positive outcome
  • Determine risk tolerance and investment time horizon

Investment strategy meeting - (Days 5-10)

  • Meeting to discuss investment strategy and implementation 
  • Collect and organize financial statements and documents (insurance policies, brokerage, bank, 401(k)s, trusts, wills)
  • Open necessary paperwork

Transfer confirmation and online access - (Day 15)

  • Client associate contacts new client with transfer update and walks the client through the Wealth Management Online registration process

Execute investment strategy - (Days 15-30)

  • Investment strategy implementation and begin personal needs analysis

Forty five day follow-up meeting - (Days 30-60)

  • Review first statement in detail and provide team website tutorial
  • Review the wealth management process and set timetable and expectations

Sixty day follow-up call - (Days 60-90)

  • Personal needs analysis review and begin developing a customized wealth management plan
  • Discuss insurance review results
  • Schedule wealth management implementation meeting

Ninety day meeting - (Day 90)

  • Review wealth management plan and begin implementation 
  • Explain tiered communication agreement and develop schedule for future reviews
  • Implement strategy 


Let's start the conversation

If you want to discuss your portfolio or have financial questions, please fill out the below form.

To protect your privacy, we ask that you not send any confidential information, such as bank account numbers, credit card information or account details, through this contact us form.

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