Local presence, global strength. We put the personal back into wealth management.
Investment philosophy
We recommend a strategic buy-and-hold asset allocation strategy that is a broadly diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, cash and alternative investments. In addition, we closely monitor market and economic events to identify short-term investment opportunities. We add tactical managers or funds as appropriate to help take advantage of the upside, yet still help provide some protection on the downside.
Tenets of investment
- Short-term goals: Money that is needed in the next 24 months will not be invested in the equity markets.
- Long-term goals: You must have a clearly defined goal and a plan to get there: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”- John Wooden
- Investing is cyclical: Historically, the market has corrected 20% on average once every five years. “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” – Warren Buffet
- Managing risk: A properly diversified portfolio will not always give you the best return every year, but it should protect your assets in unexpected market declines and smooth out the peaks and valleys over time.
The next step
We strive every day to grow and manage our business with honesty and integrity and over time earn the trust of our clients. If you are interested in learning more about our philosophy or our tenets of investment, please contact us to schedule an appointment.