My most treasured asset is my clients' trust

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
Benjamin Franklin
"Investing in what is comfortable is rarely profitable."
Rob Arnott
"Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to do nothing."
David Tepper
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain
"Patience is the companion of wisdom."
St. Augustine

Welcome my website

How do you manage investment risk? Hopefully not alone

I offer investment advisory and discretionary fee-based portfolio management services to risk-averse clients seeking total return. My goal is to provide above-average income. 
Utilizing various internal and external independent research sources, I develop a broad economic view of the world. Based on that view, I manage conservative income-oriented portfolios with a disciplined risk management approach. When warranted, I anchor portfolios using laddered bonds to help provide stability and current and future projected cash flow needs. The substantial variety and volume of bonds available provides an array of opportunities for experienced proactive managers to earn current income and achieve capital gains. I seek growth by actively allocating investments between widely diversified global asset classes, seeking value opportunities, utilizing mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETF’s) and closed end funds.


Investment advisory methodology

I have been certified as an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® through the Center for Fiduciary Studies. The Center for Fiduciary Studies promulgates best practices and standards for fiduciaries and for those of us who service and share in fulfilling fiduciary obligations. These standards are applied across any client situation. As an AIF, I have the training necessary to ensure that an investment process is managed to an appropriate standard of care. My four-step process involves:

• Gather/organize information
• Formalize the process which includes asset allocation modeling, setting return targets and risk parameters which results in an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
• Evaluate and select investments appropriate to the IPS
• Monitor RBC client progress

I am a member of RBC Wealth Management’s exclusive Portfolio Focus-Senior Portfolio Manager Group. The Senior Portfolio Manager Group is the highest level of recognition that the firm bestows upon its fee-based discretionary financial advisors. I have demonstrated a commitment to managing customized portfolios designed to meet clients investing needs while actively enhancing my professional knowledge and portfolio management skills and maintaining an excellent record of customer service.

Global Insight 2024 Midyear Outlook

Global Insight Outlook Cover Image - July 2024U.S. debt dilemma: No quick fixes and no catastrophes

The federal government’s debt has doubled since 2015 – and shows no signs of turning around.  Read the Midyear Outlook »

Let’s begin

Are you ready to find creative solutions to help reduce the stress and responsibilities associated with managing your money? Do you see the value of looking at the big picture and having a plan? Contact me today to set up a meeting. 


Latest Insights

Wine glass in front of wine rack

Exploring fine wine as an investment

Investing in fine wine may be an idea you’re exploring. Learn more about factors to consider in the current Investor’s Edge newsletter.

Read more

Honored to be a Forbes' award recipient

I am very proud to be recognized as one Forbes/SHOOK's Best-In-State Wealth Advisors Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors in 20182019 and 2020. This prestigious award is given to less than one percent of all advisors in the industry, and I am pleased to be a part of this respected group—because it means I’m serving my clients well.

Social Media

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One-quarter of U.S. parents don’t think they’ve done a good job preparing their kids to manage money. Help put an end to that trend. Let's connect today to learn about our financial empowerment resources.

Did you know, achieving financial freedom comes with a cost? It requires planning, discipline and making smart decisions. Live empowered by discovering strategies to support your financial dreams. Message me to learn more.

Read the new edition of Investor’s Edge for ideas on meeting family business needs, managing tax provisions before they sunset, how AI may impact financial services and exploring fine wine as an investment.

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