Investment management through Portfolio Focus®
All accounts are managed by Attune Financial Advisors under RBC’s discretionary portfolio program, Portfolio Focus. You’ll find that this approach allows us to manage your portfolios with your specific goals in mind, while providing the diversification we believe every portfolio needs. You’ll also enjoy comprehensive reporting capabilities, with an all-inclusive, asset-based cost structure.
New client experience
While every client is unique, our time-tested onboarding process aims to uncover everything we need to make your financial goals a reality—and find lasting success.
Your financial objectives: We listen to your story, your goals and your needs to better understand how we might create portfolios that fit you and your personal circumstances.
Gather current financial information: The best plans have a well-defined starting point. We gather as much specific financial information from you as possible to illustrate your current situation.
Develop strategies now and into future: After analyzing your financial present, together we start planning your future with methods that give you the freedom to clearly see the impact of varying future scenarios.
Implement a thoughtful and creative tactical approach: Using our in-house insights, personalized investment strategies and global firm-wide resources, we begin to implement our plans, creating the portfolios that become the cornerstone of your financial journey.
Providing professional service and resources: We help you review your financial picture in light of changing circumstances, both personal and market-driven. And, of course, our team places a special emphasis on meeting your administrative needs.