Client experience

We are deeply honored by the trust our clients put in us to help them achieve their goals. It is a responsibility we take very seriously—which is why we have created a clear and detailed process for evaluating each client and providing customized solutions tailored to meet their particular needs. Our five-step process includes: 


Consultation & discovery

We will begin by asking questions to understand you and your financial objectives. Together, we'll identify your goals, values, challenges, risk tolerance and any special concerns you may have.

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Developing an investment strategy

We will analyze your current investment portfolio and the information you provided in the discovery stage to match your objectives with sound strategies. We’ll identify your recommended asset allocation mix and develop a customized investment strategy.

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Presentation of recommendations

We'll meet to present our recommended wealth management approach and customized solutions that may include retirement, family and estate planning services, cash management suggestions, lending opportunities, and more as part of our customized plan.

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Execution of strategy

With your approval on our recommendations, we will begin executing your new investment strategy, opening new accounts, transferring existing assets, and conducting trades that align with your investment goals.


Collaboration and support

As we move forward with our relationship, we will assess your situation and accounts to help see your financial objectives are being met. We will help you set up online account access, schedule review meetings, and proactively contact you if we think repositioning is needed or if there’s an opportunity you may be interested in. We’ll remain connected through the channels you feel most comfortable communicating in and at the frequency of your choice.


Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of being a client and to set up an initial complimentary consultation.

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Erik Tobiason, NMLS # 1282914 through City National Bank, may receive compensation from RBC Wealth Management for referring customers to City National Bank. Banking products and services are offered or issued by City National Bank, an affiliate of RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC and are subject to City National Banks terms and conditions. Products and services offered through City National Bank are not insured by SIPC. City National Bank Member FDIC.

Investment products offered through RBC Wealth Management are not FDIC insured, are not guaranteed by City National Bank and may lose value.